Lavender oil is a famous lavender essential oil extracted from the lavender flower by steam distillation to extract it to be 100% Pure and natural. The benefits of lavender oil are very many, including that it is useful for aromatherapy and gives the body a sense of relaxation and comfort, as it calms nerves, tension and headaches and helps sleep.
In addition, it improves the ability to focus and is useful for hair and skin in terms of moisturizing and relieving muscle pain when used for massage and massage. Lavender essential oil also has a distinct soothing aroma that makes it the most popular essential oil in the region for this reason and the reason that it has multiple uses and benefits. Where you can add it to other oils to reduce its concentration, such as jojoba oil, grape pimples, olive oil or almond oil, immediately before using it.
Lavender essential oil is highly concentrated, so it is best to follow instructions from trusted sources to find out the correct dilution ratios. Adding a few drops of it is sufficient in many cases and it should not be contacted with the eyes. Lavender oil can also be used with water in a warm bath, along with other natural ingredients, to get a detox bath.